When you are paying a considerable amount to the rehabilitation centre, you expect equally good service. In this case, service is the therapy that you will undergo staying at the facility. But before going, you must know that the therapy for addiction is not like the standard treatment procedures at the hospitals. Medicines and tests are not the basic element of this type of therapy. Of course, you will have to take the medication, But that does not mean you will be lying on a bed all day like at the hospitals.
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Why did you start to take the drugs or consume alcohol? Was it a break-up? Or was it the death of someone very close? Or was it the excitement of the entire matter while slowly became an addiction? There are many reasons for people taking resort to drugs. So individual sessions with the therapist are very effective. The aim of the Rehab is to change your mindset and behaviour from the negative to the positive side. However, you have to sit with the therapist for long individual sessions. Do not refrain from letting the person know about the truth. There is no shame in sharing the truth.
No judgmental attitude
Another thing that will trigger a positive feeling in your mind is the attitude of each doctor at the Drug Rehab. No one will try to judge you as the people in the outer world do. These doctors know that you must have crossed hard terrain in your life, which became the cause of the addiction. At least, you have the courage to come up and ask for help. A one-to-one therapy session will do good to you. The doctor will also understand your weak points and what positive factors trigger you to be active again. The friendly behaviour of the doctor will encourage you to speak up.