Most of the people lose their adult teeth due to various reasons like, decay, old age, accidents, side effects of strong medicines etc. Dental implants are a blessing in disguise for such people who can get back their teeth, though artificially. In simple terms, dental implants refer to the placing of artificial tooth in the jaw. The implantation of the artificial tooth is done by the expert periodontists. Periodontists are the specialist dentists in the field of periodontal diseases and also dental implants.
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The procedure for implanting the artificial teeth involves the insertion of a metal post onto the bone of the missing or broken teeth. Titanium is the material that is commonly used for making the metal post as it provides strong and durable solution. The post then gets naturally attached to the bone of the neighboring teeth such that the implant gets firmly fixed onto the bone. This may take time and only after the implant has completely set into the jaw, the dentist fixes a crown on top of it. The crown gives a natural look to the implant and boosts up the confidence of the patient.
The dental implants unlike other tooth replacement like dentures or bridges provide a natural look and feel for the patient. The patient can also make use of the dental implant just like ordinary teeth and can do normal chewing, grinding and biting. People who have lost a tooth need not worry; such implants can be very well used to give a natural feeling without being self-conscious. In fact, the breakthrough technology behind the dental implants has served the cosmetic purpose for many people. Those who have lost their smile just because of the loss of their front tooth can undergo such procedure and get back their smile. The implantation of the artificial tooth is not a very expensive procedure and there are different options available for the patients. The patient can have a detailed discussion with the dentists to understand the various options in the form of material used for the crown or the implant. The charges differ accordingly and it’s easily affordable and reasonable enough to fit in your budget.
However, such implants can be done only on persons who have healthy gums and are not suffering from any kind of serious periodontal problems. Though the implant is artificial, this also requires regular cleaning. Dental hygiene needs to be given prominence after the implants to keep plaque and other problems at bay. Such hygienic brushing and flossing also helps in longer life for the implants and does not cause any kind of dental infection. Regular check-up of the implant also may be required to check for any kind of positional changes in the implant.
In case of bridges or dentures, the neighboring teeth will have to bear the brunt of the fallen tooth. The ideal solution in such cases will be the Dental implant done by an expert periodontist to get a lifetime solution to your missing tooth.