New Data Shows UK Healthcare Workers Do Not Have Higher COVID-19 Death Rate


Would UK healthcare workers be more productive with gamified rewards?We have been led to believe that dental practitioners and dental nurses are among the riskiest roles in relation to COVID-19 exposure, however, recently released government datasheets show that these healthcare workers do not have higher rates of COVID-19 deaths when compared to the general population. While this is excellent news, it does not mean that we should stop taking the necessary precautions when dealing with patients.

Office For National Statistics (ONS) Data

In fact, data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows that many healthcare workers who take the necessary precautionary measures don’t have increased rates of COVID-19 fatalities when compared to workers outside of the medical sector.

When factoring in all coronavirus-related deaths up to and including 20 April, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) report states that, “Healthcare workers, including those with jobs such as doctors and nurses, were not found to have higher rates of death involving COVID-19 when compared with the rate among those whose death involved COVID-19 of the same age and sex in the general population.”

The top 10 medical field occupations with the highest potential for exposure to COVID-19 include:

  • Dental Nurses
  • Nurses
  • Medical Practitioners
  • Houseparents And Residential Wardens
  • Care Escorts
  • Dental Practitioners
  • Medical Radiographers
  • Medical And Dental Technicians
  • Veterinarians
  • Midwives

The report, which was released in May, shows a clear correlation between particular medical sector occupations and potential for COVID-19 exposure, but didn’t show a higher death rate among the medical profession. And, while dental nurses, dental practitioners, and dental technicians all made the top 10, experts say that the reasoning for this is their close proximity to the patient’s mouth.

The report also shows that as long as dental nurses, dental practitioners, and dental technicians are wearing their PPE and taking necessary precautions, their risk levels are remarkably similar to most other medical sectors. The report also states that, “There is a clear correlation between exposure to disease, and physical proximity to others across all occupations. Healthcare workers such as nurses and dental practitioners unsurprisingly both involve being exposed to disease on a daily basis, and they require close contact with others, though during the pandemic they are more likely to be using PPE.”

Contact Dentac

To learn more about protecting yourself from COVID-19, contact Dentac today and speak with a knowledgeable dental academy representative who can assist you and answer any questions you might have.

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