Best and Essential Wellness Products: Oil for Massage

One of the biggest difficulties when you want to become a masseur is to personalize each massage and learn to adjust the pressure according to the needs and the feelings of the massed one. It is important to take into account the habits, the morphology and the state of health of your customers. Some will appreciate soft pressure, while others will want more supportive gestures.

Listening and accompaniment are, in this respect, decisive. But it is also up to the wellness massage practitioner to define the optimal pressure based on his experience. You would also have the products like wellness oil from now and that would come up with the best results now.

Communicate well before and during massages

Knowing how to massage also knows how to listen. Before the session, do not hesitate to talk with the client, even if it is a person that you massage regularly. Desires and needs change according to the context: stress period, sports preparation, weight gain. A simple questionnaire will help you to define your preferences.

When you perform a wellness massage, you must remain attentive to the sensations felt by the massed. In case of pain, you must adapt your gestures without delay. Remember that some people have difficulty or embarrassment to verbally express their dissatisfaction or discomfort. Open the dialog if you notice a change in your client’s behavior that may be moving or becoming tense. He may endure strong pressure at a “t” time or in a specific area and wish for something different later.

Basic rule to remember:

“The more a person is massaged, the more they look for depth”. No one, who is used to being massaged, will ask you for a gentle massage.

Self-confidence, an essential quality

Of course, listening and taking into account the desires of your customers is part of your future job. However, even if you are starting as a wellness massage practitioner, you need to show some confidence. Rely on your knowledge and your instinct to adapt your massages. Remember that many customers do not know what is really good for them. Too much massage may not only erase all the benefits of the treatment, but also cause pain. Contrary to popular belief, good massages are not necessarily those that leave aches! You risk especially scaring your customers by wanting to do too much. If you are hesitant to apply intense pressure, start with gentle movements and increase the intensity gradually.

Feel the massages

If you want to become a masseur, the first knowledge to master is that of feeling. That’s why we invite our students to be massaged during the practical classes. You will only really be able to adapt the strength of your massages by understanding the effects in real situations. You must also cultivate your theoretical knowledge through the learning of placatory anatomy. This discipline will allow you to recognize by touch the elements that make up the human body.

Little tip:

A few minutes after the start of the massage, ask your masseur (e) about the good depth of your pressure. This will allow you to adapt it for the rest of the service and to fully satisfy your client.

Stay focused

Wellness massage is perhaps one of the areas that require the most concentration and presence. During the massage, you will have to master your mind. This one must be only busy with what you are doing. Thus, you will be more able to detect the needs of the massed at any moment to apply the adequate pressure.

Take advantage of your failures

Even if you take special care in the development of customized protocols and optimally adjust the pressure, you are not immune to the discontent of some customers. You must learn to relativize if you are in this situation. Some people may feel more comfortable with certain types of masseurs, without questioning your skills. However, remember to question yourself and to discuss with your masses (e) to understand the reason for this discomfort. This habit will help you improve even more in the future.

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