If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you can combat the disease successfully. One way that this can be done is by a radical removal of the prostate gland as well as the surrounding tissue. By taking this approach, you can successfully eradicate the disease.
You just need to know more about what is involved with the procedure. While it may sound radical, it really can be done so it causes less stress. For example, surgeons use laparoscopic surgery to perform a prostatectomy. Laparoscopic procedures involve making small incisions in places where they were once performed by hand.
What Is a Laparoscope?
A laparoscope is an illuminated instrument that permits the surgeon to insert other tools in other incisions and remove the prostate using special surgical tools. Because of these types of advancements, a prostate surgeon can perform a procedure with more accuracy. Robot-aided prostatectomies make it possible for doctors to guide robotic-type arms that hold the surgical instruments.
Whilst the above procedure is used to remove a cancerous prostate gland, surgeons may also use a simple prostatectomy in some instances. In these cases, a simple prostatectomy is recommended to treat enlargement of the prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
When a simple prostatectomy is advised, it usually does not include removal of the whole prostate gland. Instead, this type of surgery is used to ease symptoms related to a blocked flow of urine. Therefore, one obstructive part of the prostate is removed instead.
Complication risks increase when a simple prostatectomy is scheduled. This type of surgery also requires a lengthier recovery period. You can learn more about both of the above surgeries when you visit a site such as https://www.panasiasurg.com/patient-information/laparoscopic-surgery/robotic-prostatectomy/. Learn all you can about these surgeries online before speaking with your doctor. That way, you can get a better idea of what to expect and write down any relevant questions.
Examining the Risks
You will find that you can choose from various kinds of surgeries and that each carries certain risks. You will also learn what exactly is involved in each type of procedure. In addition, you can examine the risks for each procedure. Any surgery of this type has notable side effects that you should discuss in depth with your doctor.
Before you discuss your surgery options, learn more about prostate cancer or conditions that may affect the prostate. Early prostate cancer usually is symptomless. Therefore, many patients are not diagnosed with the cancer until it is advanced. In advanced cases, patients may experience blood in their urine, urinary obstruction, bone pain, and weight loss. After the age of 50, every many should undergo a test to assess his prostate-specific antigen (IPSA). That same test should be taken after the age of 40 if a man has a history of prostate cancer in his family.